The price of registration for the 2007 conference was $225.00. Khyber has not announced the price for the 2008 conference. The 2008 conference is supposed to be a full four day, instead of three day event. Khyber is going to offer two days of live fire range training, including blocks on rifle and shotgun skills.
Here is the kicker. I have teased you with the $12.00 question, "What can you get for $12.00 these days?" At the 2007 conference, the Khyber Group had a hospitality mixer the first evening, and a banquet and raffle on the second evening of the three day event. Bullhead City Chief of Police Rodney Head made a motivational speech as the key note speaker. The raffle was incredible, with over $20,000 in merchandise donated by the sponsers. From Blackwater Gear to training DVDs, tactical tomahawks to body armor, a Smith & Wesson M&P pistol to a DPMS Panther AP-4 rifle, everyone who attended the banquet took home something from the raffle. Khyber provided one raffle ticket to each attendee with their registration. Additional raffle tickets were available for $5.00 each, or 3 for $12.00. So, I bought 3 extra tickets for, you guessed it, $12.00. Here is what I got for my $12.00.....
I would like to thank Khyber Training Group, including Wes Doss and his family, Shawn Brooks, and all the trainers and sponsors that made the 2007 1 Inch to 100 Yard conference happen. I would especially like to thank DPMS Inc. and Evin Galbraith for donating the $12.00 DPMS Panther AP-4 rifle.
This conference is worth attending for anyone in law enforcement, military, or private contract security. If you have the means to attend in 2008, I would recommend it. Khyber is already advertising May 20-23, 2008 as the second annual conference. The website for the conference is under construction, but I would suggest checking it out for more information.

Take care and Be Safe,
P.S. - I'll post a review and range report on the AP-4 seperately when the temperature drops below 100 degrees in Arizona and the monsoons go away.