Friday, June 27, 2008

An Introduction

I'd like to thank our host Shadow6 for the opportunity to help him with the ShooterReady blog. I'm honored to be thought of in this regard.

To start, I'll give the folks out there a thumbnail sketch of my background as it relates to firearms and then I'm also going to give a bit of an outline of upcoming features that I will be posting.

About me:
I've been a shooter all of my life; from air rifles and .22s in school (that'll date me some :) ) to my first pistol to my first NFA item, I have always enjoyed shooting. I was given a BB gun at 10, a shotgun at 17. I've never bought .22 by the box ;). Dropping the hammer on my first .22 rifle is still just as fun as dumping a mag through my Stemple.

At this point in my shooting life, I'm learning what I can of the way of the warrior - which means functional weapons, practical tactics and solid foundation skills. Punching paper is one thing to begin the basics and fundamentals of safe handling (and the 4 rules of Jeff Cooper, may he rest in peace), sight picture, trigger control and functionality of your firearm, but after you learn to walk, you must learn to run.

I've trained at Blackwater and shot IDPA, 3 Gun and other informal matches and training. My goal in the next 12 months is more training with well respected trainers; something that should be a priority for all of us in the shooting community.

I've worked behind the counter at a gun store and have also seen a fair amount of the backroom stuff that the normal shooting public doesn't see. (And no, most dealers aren't making big money on your $500 Glock..)

If you have any questions, please leave a comment and I will answer what I can.

Upcoming Features:
  • A discussion of lubrication with respect to the AR15/M16 series rifles
  • A photo essay of fairly rare bird 1911
  • A small snippet about the CMP and the Garand
  • A review of the Adams Arms piston retrofit system for the AR15/M16
If you have any suggestions for topics, I would be pleased to hear them.


Monday, June 16, 2008

The Rock: Welcome To Our Newest Blog Administrator


I just wanted to take this opportunity to welcome on board our newest administrator to the Shooter Ready blog site. The Rock will be taking over some of my administrative duties as I am getting ready to PCS to another duty station and will be departing on yet another military deployment (with several others to follow). Please address any issues, questions, and/or concerns to him in regards to the site.

Again, thanks for taking over some of my responsibilities...greatly appreciated.

Until whenever I have the opportunity to post...

Shadow 6, out.